Using Neurofeedback to Control Adult ADHD
Though often overwhelming and difficult to live with, adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can have some upsides. It can also bring periods of intense focus and concentration and help with problem solving and creative thinking. There is even evidence that ADHD can be a benefit for certain pursuits such as running a business.
But there are downsides, too, like when your racing brain makes you inattentive, irritable, or unable to stay on task. ADHD can also be unpredictable, making it difficult to channel your hyper focus when you need it and turn it off when you don’t. In addition, stress or a lack of sleep can make your ADHD symptoms worse by limiting your concentration, memory, motivation, and organizational skills.
ADHD is a mental condition that affects how your brain functions, so learning more about your own brain can help you treat the symptoms. And neurofeedback therapy is a useful tool for doing this using a process known as qEEG brain mapping (or quantitative electroencephalogram neurometric evaluation). This cutting-edge, non-invasive method provides valuable information about how your brain functions. Though it can’t definitively diagnose the condition, brain mapping can be used to show whether your symptoms may be caused by ADHD and whether your brain is functioning too slowly or too quickly.
How Neurofeedback Can Treat ADHD
Here’s how the process works. After placing a few sensors on your head, you sit back and watch a video. The technology then measures your brain patterns as you watch. When you’re calm and focused, the video plays brighter and the audio is louder. When you’re distracted or less alert, the video dims and the audio decreases. Through this process, your brain learns how to reduce patterns associated with ADHD while increasing healthy brain function that helps you focus and concentrate. It’s basically exercise for your brain.
Though this method has been around for more than 60 years, the process has been steadily improving over the decades. There is also a growing body of evidence to show it’s an effective way to treat ADHD in both adults and children. If you’re struggling with adult ADHD, schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation to learn how we can help.
To learn more about how neurofeedback services can help with ADHD and other issues, contact the NeuroWave Brain Performance Center at (253) 205-5762 or via email.
Harvard University’s Take on Neurofeedback
Over the last several decades, research has indicated that our brains are, in fact, malleable. Harvard University has been studying the how neurofeedback can help to self-regulate brain activities in order to better control or enhance one’s own performance, control or function. You can read their blog on neurofeedback here.