Having Problems Sleeping?
Experiencing inability to sleep, while dreading the inevitable exhaustion of tomorrow, is a miserable feeling. You are not alone. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder with 30-percent of Americans experiencing it. Many people have turned to neurofeedback for insomnia to treat their condition.
What are sleeping disorders?
Sleep disorders encompass more than insomnia. If you are not getting regular, good nights of sleep, then you might need help, regardless of a diagnosis. Sleep disorders can occur for a variety of reasons, but all encompass 1 or more of 4 main factors:
- Not being able to fall asleep
- Not being able to stay asleep
- Feeling tired after sleeping a lot, and never feeling refreshed
- Having behaviors in your sleep that you could do without, such as nightmares, talking, or walking
These factors lead to non-restorative sleep. It can cause low energy levels, disruptions in mood, and poor productivity.
What causes sleeping issues? 
The reason people cannot fall asleep or stay asleep is quite simple. Scientific studies have found that people with sleep problems have irregular brain performance. It does not allow them to shift into and then stay in sleep. The Sleep Cycle, illustrated here, shows how the brain slows down significantly as you fall asleep. This is seen in the first three stages as the person drifts from consciousness to sleep and then enters deeper sleep. This third stage is when the brain is using the slowest speed and you feel it as heavy sleep. The faster your brain is running throughout the day, the more difficult it is for you to fall and stay asleep. In this way, people who suffer from anxiety or constant thinking are at much greater risk for sleep issues.
Neuroscience of Sleep
During sleep, nocturnal microglia cells clean and reset your brain. When we don’t get enough sleep, our brain doesn’t receive its much-needed daily maintenance and our functioning deteriorates.
We know sleep affects our physical and mental health and daily functioning, yet sleep problems are still on the rise— with 1/3 of Americans suffering from insomnia or other sleep problems.
The Facts are:
- We need sleep to survive. Scientists continue to research this, but research suggests sleep deprivation can be detrimental to our immune system.
- Sleep keeps our nervous system functioning.
- Sleep allows the brain time to clean our normal cellular activity byproducts to prevent malfunctioning
- Neurofeedback for insomnia enhances concentration, memory, and performance, and prevents drowsiness and mood swings
- Neurofeedback enables neuronal connections to exercise their relationships to prevent deterioration
- Sleep allows for cell growth and reproduction.
- Protein breakdown is reduced during sleep. Proteins are the brick and mortar for cell growth and damage repair from stress and the elements. Beauty sleep is real!
Fortunately, you can start improving your sleep through brain function today. Neurofeedback for insomnia is a proven treatment method that alleviates insomnia and other sleep problems.
3 Factors that Cause Sleep Problems
Sleep Issues are known to be caused and made worse by three factors:
- qEEG Brain irregularities
- Stress, which has its own, increase brain pattern irregularities
- Medications that have been proven to disrupt the sleep cycle
When these three factors are addressed in concert, symptoms can reduce and be resolved. At Neuro-Wave, we identify the disruptive brain patterns and then retrain the brain to operate better using neurofeedback therapy.
How does neurofeedback for insomnia improve sleep issues?
Sleep problems have been associated with abnormal brain performance. Neurofeedback therapy re-wires brain irregularities for better performance. Scientific studies show that neurofeedback provides auditory and visual feedback to improve the way the brain is operating. With better brain function comes better sleep.
What is special about the sleep program at Neuro-Wave?
The Sleep Program at Neuro-Wave offers a natural way to treat sleep problems. Our clinic offers a multi-faceted approach, combining scientifically-based treatments of neurofeedback, biofeedback, CBT-I. This way is standardized and internationally utilized. We also have additional sleep enhancing methods and personalized one-on-one sleep coaching. Our initial evaluation will let you know if the Neuro-Wave sleep program is right for you.
We are a group of mental health and neurophysiology clinicians providing a variety of interventions to improve your sleep.
Our program includes:
- Comprehensive objective clinical assessment
- Insomnia treatment
- Neurofeedback
- Biofeedback
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)
- Ongoing data-driven progress assessment
- One-on-one sleep coaching
- Digital materials
In brief: the Neuro-Wave Sleep Program offers a multi-faceted approach to treat and resolve your insomnia so you can finally get a good night’s sleep.
What can I expect?
First we complete an initial evaluation and determine if you are a good fit for our sleep program. Your treatment will begin with a comprehensive objective clinical assessment. We will learn about your history and the sleep problems you are experiencing. Then, we will set measurable goals to monitor your progress in the program.
Throughout the program, you will receive neurofeedback for insomnia, biofeedback, CBT-I, and digital materials. These materials include information about sleep restriction, sleep hygiene, and routine setting. You will maintain a daily ‘sleep diary’ that will be objectively measured and reviewed with you weekly. Each week you will engage in one-on-one sleep coaching and receive graphs and charts showing objective metrics of your progress.
Over the course of 8-weeks, you will experience a science-based transformative experience to better sleep. At the end of 8-weeks you will have the opportunity to continue neurofeedback services as a Neuro-Wave member.
Sleeping Pills have a Risk For:
- Suicidal Thoughts
- Medication Dependence
- Overdose and Death
- Memory Loss and Lapses
Neurofeedback is:
- Drug-Free
- Non-Invasive
- No Side-Effects
- Clinically Proven
- Long-lasting Benefits
- Proven successful with a 65-year legacy
How can I start neurofeedback for insomnia?
Please call us at 253-205-5762, and let’s chat for a free 15-minute phone consultation. It could be the best 15 minutes you spend this month!
Frequently Asked Questions
I have insomnia along with another mental health or medical condition, will the treatments in this program still work for me?
Yes. Neurofeedback and CBT-I have been shown to be effective for treatment of a multitude of medical and psychiatric disorders.
How effective is this therapy?
Research shows this therapy will have lasting effects. Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback that acts on neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is what gives your brain the ability to build and rewire your neural networks to healthier, normal connections. Research also shows lasting maintenance of gains for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches.
How long does treatment take?
Our program is 8-weeks with opportunity to transition to monthly brain maintenance membership.
Will I have to come to the clinic for a sleep study?
No. All assessments will be completed remotely through various digital platforms.
Get started in 3 easy steps from the comfort of your home!
- Call our sleep coach today at (253) 205-5762
- Complete your program registration and clinical intake from your home
- State-of-the-art neurofeedback technology is delivered right to your door